Monday, April 5, 2010

The Story So Far? Are You Kidding Me?

I was looking over the previous entries and my main conclusion is that planning ahead is a waste of time. I think that this may be the heart of happy human existence. Let's all give it a whirl and see what happens. You first. Please get back to me.

I’m gonna give a summary a shot.

The Being & Nothingness Cam Team--—students of philosophy Tom, Sia, and Phaye—are currently on semi-vacation due to the complete breakdown of all the technological elements that make the B&NC Project work. This was caused by incident-prone Phaye falling through the floor and pulling loose big bundles of...electrical stuff.

The Project office is in a small, spruced-up wooden house that I converted into a tech-savvy, gloomy, coffee-soaked place to make as welcoming as I could to philosophers. “I” means “Gina,” a character based on Gina, who is not, in fact, Gina. I’ve been hanging out in the office in case something actually happens. In the case of this Project “happens” could mean: nothing, all things, the computers, monitors, cameras, back-up tape and/or digital systems, and/or a combination thereof come to life (for lack of a better term) and we are able once again to see and monitor the incoming data from the Being & Nothingness Cams. Although we know that there are both Being and Nothingness cams we are not sure how many there are or where they are.

Sea sprites, ghosts, and extra-terrestrials are not, I believe, included in "anything," but hell, like I would know. I am very much hoping that "anything" also does not include talking animals, because that's stupid.

There was a nifty subplot involving prairie dogs, a monkey, and a lawsuit threat by the Central California Sartre Society, but if you weren’t here for that I can’t help you now. Wouldn't it have been great if the prairie dogs, monkey and Sartre Society guy were all in the office at the same time?

One big deal when the power and all technical equipment failed is that the SAaLI Unit, which is a cube thing that looks like really big computer housing, sealed itself shut: all seams, ports, outlets, even screw holes looked like they melted together. The SAaLI Unit is Project-related, but that’s all we know. It's now in Irvine, along with a lovely woman I know who moved there from Nashville. The latter has nothing to do with anything.

Other folks who have shown up in person are Dirk, the incredibly valuable IT guy and Bethann, the worried accountant. Gina has recently been corresponding with the touchy guys in Irvine who designed the SAaLI Unit.


Why philosophers?

What is SAaLI?

What is the Project and where did it come from?

Isn't it a bad idea not to have someone monitoring the B&NC 24/7 like before?

What’s the deal with the Masomenis Corporation that Gina contacted in the summer of 2008?

Dose Gina have some big financial problems related to Project expenditures?

What do the B&N Cams consist of?

Did you hear that this is the last season of the drama "24"? If that show hadn't given us President Palmer and shown us how great it would be to have a black president what would have happened?

Is there going to be a thing with Dirk and Phaye?

Why is all Project correspondence in the form of handwritten letters?

Is someone ever going to fix the damned hole in the office floor?

With all that's happened will we be able to maintain the image necessary for philosophers to exist?

What’s up with the freezing cold back yard on a warm day?

Got monkeys?

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