Friday, February 5, 2010

And Definately Not Affiliated With...

How m
uch did you long for sea monkeys when you saw those ads on the back of comic books when you were a kid? Didn’t you desperately want that little smiling family wearing the crowns?

How disappointed were you to find out that sea monkeys were brine shrimp? And that they didn’t have crowns?

As far as I know, sea monkeys are the only monkeys you can get mailed to a post box via USPS. If you spilled sea monkeys on your laptop you might be able to repair the problem with a sponge and a hairdryer.

If a monkey got into your laptop that would be very odd, unless, of course, you own a monkey.

And if a space monkeys get on your laptop, God help us all.

“Probably Space Monkeys” is not affiliated with sea monkeys.

Not Affiliated With...

Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) very seriously out of its natural environment

Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in space capsule chair surrounded by
dudes with dubious hair cuts

I’m terribly cranky about people mistaking one animal for another. This is not very nice and has to do with me being snotty, manically attached to wildlife, and wanting to appear smarter than other people. We all have our alluring sides.

So to clarify: a big mistake people make about the “Probably Space Monkeys” blog is that it is affiliated with space monkeys*, or the other space monkeys, that were, in fact, chimpanzees**. I really hate it when people call chimps monkeys and who knows what the chimps think. They may very well think, If I could get my hands on a monkey I'd have a fine meal.

* Rhesus monkeys have had an awfully hard time of it, haven’t they?

** Hey, did you know that chimps share over 200% of their genetic material with humans? And that’s darned good considering that percentages can only go to 100%.