Monday, May 3, 2010

Okay, Everyone Back in the Office!

I've gotten the Being & Nothingness Cam Team--Tom, Sia, and Phaye--back in to the office to do their jobs. I would have a fabulous snug and gratified feeling if this was an indicator that there was something actually going on, but it's not. Since they work weird hours I keyed each of the Team members. That way I didn't have to live in the office and sign them in or something hideously mundane like that.

Wait. "Keying" is when someone scrapes and trahses your car with a key, isn't it? Okay, I didn't key the Team. I gave them keys.

Someone will be keeping an eye on that woefully blank bank of monitors that have been and will one day again be the signal destination for the B&N cams. In my mind's eye I see, when I'm in Washington, Phaye calling me (using the land line, of course, the only line in the office) to tell me what thrilling Nothingness she sees, and perhaps what that beautiful bright thing was that she saw on Being Cam-3 before everything went offline. Or not.

I think that Sia and are are going to be Just Ignore It partners about me finding her in the office making out with Aureliano Jose. Too sticky all the way around. I would like to know, however, what is so wrong with her apartment that she couldn't go home. Cinder block bookcases and spool tables? Really messy? Dead guys? I wonder if this says something about Aureliano's boyfriend potential.

If he's going to be around he has got to get a shorter name.

No summary. Sorry, kids. The prospect of being so near to President Obama is making it hard for me to sleep or to think straight. What do you want to bet that he's out of town?