Saturday, June 5, 2010

BEING v. NOTHINGNESS: Challenge #4 Winner

And the winner is....



1. I don't know what this is, do you? Who the hell knows, but it’s pretty creepy-looking and you should probably keep your distance.

B. It’s too Georgia O’Keef-y as far as it's representation of anatomy, even if she said her own work was flowers. It's hard to blame her for this particular object, though, since Georgia O'Keefe has been dead for quite some time and that's put a dent in her painting output.

3. You should try to be more like the rest of mankind and reject first and ask questions later. If you think that this thing doesn't belong in an eternal void then you aren't getting enough fiber in your diet.

Cosmic Points:


For future reference, reason number 3 above is a good general rule for all that is unknown and frightening.

Friday, June 4, 2010

BEING v. NOTHINGNESS: Challenge Four

Which wins?



BEING v. NOTHINGNESS: Example Challenge Winner

The winner is…



1. You saw this one coming a mile off, didn't you? The answer hasn't changed since May 28. I should have done something different. Sorry.

B. It took me quite some time to make this dumb little fake ransom note, although I guess I'm complaining more about the attention span required rather than the time.

3. The irregular-sized confetti from the magazine trimmings makes a terrific cat toy for a good, what, forty-two seconds. It sure as hell was longer than that scrunchy fabric bag that cost nine bucks and promised “hours of fun.”

Total Cosmic Score Points:


I still lied and this still counts towards your TCS.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


The universe woke me up at around 2 am—and boy if that doesn’t give you a toothache—and I grasped at that moment that I’m on the wrong path with this Challenge. The Being versus Nothingness Challenge doesn’t have answers, it has winners.

Your task is to decide if an item holds its own and may be awarded Being over Nothingness.
I don’t have to tell you, of course, that you can’t choose Being as the winner for obvious reasons, like monetary value. You must choose the winner based on things like blackmail- or joke- potential, usefulness as a weapon, possible emotional scarring, mock-worthiness, fabulousness, etc.

And, hey! This is important! Relegating something to Nothingness—a nebulous, confusing, and probably stupid concept—mustn’t be a snap decision you make over a bowl of Lucky Charms. (which turns the milk greeny-gray, not a good sign). No. You must choose carefully which things you wish to ridicule and belittle.

Okay, so let's try this.

Which wins?




This does not count towards your Total Cosmic Score