Sunday, November 21, 2010

Watch This Space, But Not for Too Long

Well, so, yeah. We were so close, each of us contributing to the relationship, and then we just drifted apart....

Starting again on another road I say to you, One of these is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong... what can it be?

  • Platyrrhini
  • Lemeriformes
  • Cercopithecoidea

You knew that it was just a matter of time until Latin came into this, didn't you?


  1. Good to have you back Gina. Hope all goes well. Hmmm, Let's see, are we talking dentition, encephalization, when they evolved, or rhinarium? Reflective eyes, or opposable thumbs? Nostril placement or if they are within the same suborder level, or if they have prehensile tails? Hypometabolism or arboreal vs terestial? What about if they are pictured on this page, or if the caption to the picture is somehow supposed to be a clue? I guess I vote for "being".

  2. Hey, I commented, what happened to it?
