Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm Back to the Familiar Gloom

Here again in the snug Being & Nothingness Cam Project office and reflecting on the last week in our nation's capitol.

Here's what you see when you reach the front of the line to go into the Capitol building.
I looked dutifully down the list and then burst out laughing when I got to "electric stun guns." Tasers? Really? I squelched myself instantly when I looked at the guard standing by the sign, but his expression said, Hey, I've seen everything possible.

Crocheting okay. Knitting not so much.


  1. THIS is what I'd like to see on your blog--the BEING-AND-NOTHINGNESS and other follies of your daily life,

  2. Previous comment continued:

    I grew weary of the interactions and problems of your office personnel (tho LOVED the animal under the floorboards--and the shots from the B and N cams.)
    Keep it brief if it's a daily post.
    That's my 2-cents.

  3. What no shenanagans with shysters? Can you hardly say that you visited our nations capital without at least having one story about alligator shoed lobbists pumping big bucks into willing hands?
