Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Do I Do?

Well, Sia with Aureliano Jose. Aureliano, the slender pale man from the Sartre Society making lame-o claims to their rights to the B&N Cams. They had a Being cam, which, if you'll excuse me for saying, we all have. Oh lord, that just occurred to me. Hum. What is this Project is about?

I've never "walked in" on anyone before. You read about it, see it in movies. The country and western genre exists because of it, with all the fabulous fury, tears, and gun play. I think. I don't really listen to C & W, so I'm making stuff up. I once found my old roommates' icky sex toys. Does that count?

I excused myself, backed out of the break room and then thought these things:

1. I didn't get the nail polish that I had make a special trip to the office to get;
2. Sia wasn't wearing her raspberry beret
, the mandated work uniform;
3. How the hell did they know each other?
4. Why wasn't she at her own apartment?
5. Was Sia going to stop smoking?

This may seriously mess up the isolated, dreary philosopher stereotype we've worked so hard to cultivate and maintain over the last few months.

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