Sunday, April 25, 2010

Into the Nothingness

In the late fall of 2008 I started researching concept of nothing verses something. Yes, that is as messed-up as it sounds. You poke around long enough and you start seeing duplication of information and that’s good. You feel like you’re making progress, understanding your subject. As long as you’re not reading about people arguing about nothing. These are folks who are asking, Why is there something rather than nothing and, Can there be multiple voids. Truly. Perhaps in their cases coffee and cigarettes may not have been all that was involved. Also, TV hadn’t been invented.

Here’s a nifty statement against nothingness from Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables (not the musical, thank god):

To ‘no’ there is only one answer and that is ‘yes.’ Nihilism has no substance. There is no such thing as nothingness, and zero does not exist. Everything is something. Nothing is nothing. Man lives more by affirmation than by bread.”

That’s super.

In the realm of solid stuff, I was watching a show tonight on the National Geographic Channel called, “Cut It in Half,” in which they cut things in half. I would have loved to be around when someone pitched that show: “So there’s this guy who looks like a young, rough John Tesh who goes around finding stuff to cut in half. And not just anything—interesting things.” Tonight it was a 727 and was that big boy jam-packed. I may have to set my DVR up to record the series.

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