Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Letter I Sent to the Masomenis Corporation

Going back to my story of how I first swirled my toe in the pool that overflowed into the Being & Nothingness Cam Project, in July 2008 I wrote a hand-written letter on blank printer paper to the Masomenis Corporation in Redlands, California, to comment on an internet ad I had seen for an at-home defibrillator.

The only things I’d sent in the last fifteen years in my actual hand were my duck cards. At a garage sale ages ago I found a huge box of blank cards with a sappy painting of ducks on the front. I bought all of them, and have been sending them out for every occasion ever since. I still have about 200. If you want some let me know.

This is the letter I sent to the Masomenis Corporation:

“Dear Madam/Sir,

I am writing regarding your web ad for a home defibrillator. I am intrigued and I wish to obtain more information about your product before I consider purchasing it. I would appreciate something more specific and extensive than a sales brochure. Would you be so kind as to respond to this letter and answer the following:

Is it the same defibrillator that I would find at a hospital?

Would my seven year old daughter be able to operate it?

Is it small enough to fit on my nightstand?

Does it work on pets?

How do I know that it has high enough amplitude to be effective?

Will you train me?

What kind of paper does it take to record a read-out?

Is this legal in the United States?

I saw this ad because I was looking up information on my friend’s computer. I do not own a computer and that is why you are receiving a letter rather than an email.

If this is not a real product and your company is fictitious, then this is one of the better bogus devices I’ve seen advertised. Thanks for the laugh.


g. holmes


This was a bunch of crap, of course, but I wanted to see if they would return my letter and answer my questions. After I mailed it I thought about the letter and getting a response for a few weeks, and then went on to do whatever I did next, which I think was gearing up for taking a performance nosedive at my government job. I’ll have to look at my date book.


  1. Way to leave us hanging.... 2008 ya kinda figure that they might have responded.

  2. To tell a proper story one must offer many possibilities.
