1. The first image is vertical and the second image is horizontal.*
B. It’s true that the image in question is dark, but if you look closely you’ll see that it’s the inside of my hall closet.
3. The closet does not have its own light, so it takes some patience to see that it contains the vacuum cleaner and every single piece of luggage I have ever owned.
B. It’s true that the image in question is dark, but if you look closely you’ll see that it’s the inside of my hall closet.
3. The closet does not have its own light, so it takes some patience to see that it contains the vacuum cleaner and every single piece of luggage I have ever owned.
You were cool-headed, analyzed the situation, and understood that it might be a trap. That's some fine shootin', Tex. Go ahead and take a couple of extra candies from a bowl that someone has put on their office desk. You deserve it.
* Is this Challenge more tricky than you originally thought? Did you rush ahead and decide that the image was Nothingness just because it looked like nothing?

Is the new digital Nothingness what there is when a link is broken?