The sunset Being v. Nothingness answer is going to have to wait until next week. I assure you that you will be surprised at the winner.Fictional Gina going to check in on the world of the Being and Nothingness Cam Project to see what has happened since she left. In the meantime you are to write a 500 word essay comparing and contrasting the two images below. 

See you next Wednesday! And remember: there's nothing like a little Nothingness to help end your day.
Which wins?

Did you notice that there was no cosmic score awarded for Challenge 5?
Neither did I. It's too bad, because this weeks' scoring was to deal with either hostility or taste in food, and you just know that there would have been plenty to mull over.
I'll have to see if I can get permission to give retroactive scores. Based on the generally nasty temper of the powers that be I'm going to say no, but it never hurts to ask. Either that or it hurts very much, like a steam burn that seems okay for about 60 seconds and then you realize that you're going to be in pain for days.