To save me, Tom and Sia dropped by with some of Tom’s used patio furniture. They had gone by to visit Phaye (who’s living at her mom’s apartment), who they reported is okay, but still sort of “wonky.” How is it that she bounces right back from a monkey bite, but leg scrapes put her out of commission? I think Tom and Sia are bored, and since they’re salaried (there’s another sigh from Bethann) and the weather is so nice, they said they wanted to “spruce up” the back yard. They are non-somber and non-deathly white. This is bad. I have to get the office fixed up or everyone’s going to get cheerful and I’ll have to pull the plug.
They had four white retro metal lawn chairs and a little table and I was about to tell them they’d have to take the stuff away when they brought in some plastic sheeting and black spray paint and toned those puppies down. If you come out here at night you’re going to really hurt yourself. Perhaps I’ll get the extra raspberry berets and put them on top of the chairs for safety reasons.
Didn't realize that the berets glowed enough to serve as warning lites. Somehow I guess that the monkey bites were not workman's comp...